Leg 7: Update App on Google Play Store
December 5, 2017
We've Release TripSharing v1.2!
The code of the latest version is also available in the master branch of: https://github.com/QuietMochi/TripSharing
- More Ways to Contact with Others Now users can leave any contact information they want (e.g. e-mail, facebook, twitter) instead of only photo numbers.
Convenient to Go Back to The Search Page
We added "not interest" buttons on the screen that shows photos and comments, and the one that shows names and contact info of users, respectively. Now users have a convenient way to go back to the search page.More User-friendly Interface
We resized the sizes of some text to make them easier to read, and let the size of the photos fit the screen.Bugs Fixed
We fixed the "add a comment" crash and the "join them" crash by letting users to provide their names and contact info when they are signing up.
We also fixed the link problem to Crashlytics.Clear up The Code
We corrected the typo and add some comments.
Change the size of the photos
When I started to fix the problem that the photos of places show like a strip on the top, I thought the solution to this problem might be changing the size of the photos we get to let them fit the size of ImageView. So I tried to get the width and the height of the ImageView. However, I kept getting the exception message below:java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{edu.tufts.cs.tripsharing/edu.tufts.cs.tripsharing.info}: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.widget.ImageView.getWidth()' on a null object reference
I searched on the Internet and tried many ways other people said, no one works. Then I thought in another way: since the size of the photo cannot change, what if I change the configuration of the ImageView we used?
The result came out quickly. I changed the height of the ImageView from "wrap_content" to a specific number, and it was done. Now we have a much more beautiful and comfortable graph than we had before.
Fix the problem that the app crashes when hitting "add a comment" and "join them" button We were actually surprised to know many people had crashes when they wanted to add a comment or click the "join them" button. Then we found that they didn't provide their names or contact info when they were signing up, since we limited the contact info to the phone number in the form of "xxx-xxx-xxxx". So the listener would try to get strings from a null pointer when it tried to get the name or the contact info, and it caused a crash.
I set a limit on the information page, so the new users will not finish their registration until they provide their names and contact info. And for the users who have had an account which has no name and contact info, I set the name to "Anonymity" and the contact info to "Call My Name".