Week 5: 10/20 - 10/26
October 20, 2017
Lu Meng
I used AsyncTask to get the photos of the places in the background.
- I built an abstract class which can get a list of the metadata of photos in the background buffer according to the placeID, and get the first bitmap and its attribution of the list.
- To display the image and its attribution on the screen, I created a new AsyncTask that displays the bitmap and attribution once loaded.
When I wanted to use "findViewById" to let the image displayed in the ImageView which is in the corresponding xml file, it showed "'...... findviewbyid(int)' on a null object reference" in the Android monitor. After a long time searching, I moved this code in the "onCreate" function, and it finally found the corresponding ImageView.
About the attributions: In most cases, place photos can be used without attribution, or will have the required attribution included as part of the image. However, if the returned a list of the metadata of photo which includes an attribution, you must include the additional attribution in your application wherever you display the image.
Taining Zhang
Finished Work
Build the database and use the Info activity to show the data get from the database.
- Build the xml file for this activity and add ListView in it.
- Build customized adapter for the ListView.
Add the adding comment functionality to the app.
- Build the add comment by using AlertDialog to make the alert input.
- Customize the Dialog content.
AlertDialog.Builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(info. this);
View mView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.dialog_comments,null);3.
- Transform the info to the user info as well as the place info in the firebase.
Wanqing Chen
Finish work
Writed user information to firebase through realtime database function. After registration, user will enter a view to complete their profile such as their name and contact information (email, phone number, etc ). Each user's information will be stored in firebase as a node of JSON tree.
I wrote a java class called userinformation as the class for each user.