Week 6: 10/27 - 11/02

October 27, 2017

Lu Meng

Improved: showing one place photo → showing more than one place photos
We want to show more than one photos of the place after the user select the place, so I modified the functions that fetches the first photo in the list of the metadata of photos. I had a holder for an image and its attribution, which is:

class AttributedPhoto {
     public final CharSequence attribution;
     public final Bitmap bitmap;
     public AttributedPhoto(CharSequence attribution, Bitmap bitmap) {
            this.attribution = attribution;
            this.bitmap = bitmap;

Since I wanted to store more than one images and the attributions, I modified it to:

class AttributedPhoto {
    public final ArrayList<CharSequence> attribution;
    public final ArrayList<Bitmap> bitmap;
    public AttributedPhoto(ArrayList<CharSequence> attribution, ArrayList<Bitmap> bitmap) {
                this.attribution = attribution;
                this.bitmap = bitmap;

Now our app can get many photos once it is given a place id.

Taining Zhang

Improved: showing the photos stored in the project → showing the photo get from the internet


Because we want to show the image of the place that user search for, if we store all the images into the application then

  1. Too many places to store in the application.
  2. The stored image will make the application become too large.

Add the view people want to go there function

  1. Use new ListView display the info get from place info as well as user info from the firebase.
  2. Implement join them function by add the current user into the current place's user list.

Combine all the parts of our team.

  1. Connect the usage part to the authentication part.
  2. Connect the info part with the part that we search places.
Wanqing Chen

Merged my part of code with my teammates. Changed some logic between views. Deleted some unnecessary views to make the app more neat. Now after completing the profile information, or logging in seccussfully, users will enter a search view to search for places that they are interested in.

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